Many companies still believe in a paradox between cloud and security, i.e. data security and outsourced hosting in the cloud. As part of the Jalix Business Day, Erwan Maury, Beijaflore, Sonia Dendani, OOdrive and Julien Leroy, Arrow, present their points of view to answer questions related to new and increasingly mobile modes of use.
Immersed in a world that is almost totally computerised and flooded with data, companies, in building a high-performance information system, must today take up two major and related challenges: that of backup and that of security.
While many feel that they are generally well protected against the new risks that have emerged, the specialists' findings remain: few organisations have put in place good practices and taken advantage of the possibilities offered by the cloud to meet the various requirements.
With the astronomical amounts of data circulating today, companies of all sizes are developing their strategies based on
on the solutions available and implement the most appropriate ones for their policy and constraints. In general, French companies are proving to be
This is in contrast to other European countries where the technique is much more widespread. However, IaaS (Infrastructure As A Service) has some serious arguments to defend itself. For fear of abandoning certain levers
and to outsource a critical part of their development to external providers, solutions with trade-offs in responsibility and accountability will be considered.
In general, IT management solutions are in vogue: PaaS (Platform As A Service) or SaaS (Solution As A Service). A long-time partner, Sonia Dendani, a speaker from Oodrive, sheds light on the current approaches being taken to best meet a demand that is constantly evolving, but which remains marked by a certain amount of mistrust. She believes that there are two ambitions that must now be combined: to offer collaborative solutions that encourage the sharing of information, but with real data protection and security levers. "Today, we are dealing with an issue of trust. Companies are concerned to know exactly where their data is located and whether it is sufficiently protected," she insists. At Oodrive, we place this trust at the centre, through our various certifications, which enables us to build real relationships with partners and customers.
As a symbol of this sufficient difficulty, the list of laggards in cloud adoption remains long, while companies
are making efforts to improve usage and develop solutions adapted to the competitive context. Is this a typically French reluctance? For Julien Leroy, pre-sales manager at Arrow, this problem particularly affects companies in France. "This hostility to the cloud
comes from the fear of companies that they will no longer be able to control the information system because it is no longer "just next door" but also because many were bypassing
security systems to be able to operate the infrastructure remotely".